August 2024 News

  • Post category:News

Term 3 has commenced. The class schedule is available on the club’s website, and there is a copy at the end of this newsletter.

Our next Social Day outing will be to Fort Scratchley (including a Tunnel Tour) on Friday 16th August – Meet 10.00/10.15am (Tour starts at 10.30am sharp). Entry – to Fort Scratchley is free, but there is a cost for the Tour – $9.50 concession (pay at the info/gift shop on the day). A separate email has been sent regarding this. CLICK HERE for more information.

Annual General Meeting – Friday 23 August at Cardiff RSL Club starting 11:00 am (all welcome, but only Financial Members can vote), with lunch following (own expense $19 per head smorgasbord dining). CLICK HERE for the registration form for the AGM/lunch (please complete and ‘submit’ it and pay us by 10 August – we must advise the Cardiff RSL Club of numbers and pay them by 16 August).

The above AGM information and a Nomination Form for committee executive and committee members has been sent to you by email by the Secretary. If appropriate, please complete and submit a nomination form back to the Secretary before 16 August.

Computerpals membership is now due – cost $25 covers through to 30/6/2025. 

Some people have already paid. If you are unsure, please send a text message to the Treasurer – Grahame on 0410 688 214 to clarify. 

For those who would like to join – go to ‘Membership’ on the club’s website for a membership form. 

Monday afternoon Assistance classes (on the topic of your interest is available to Computerpals Financial Members). Classes are usually 1½ hrs starting at 12:30 pm. The cost of each session is $5.

Phone 0478 219 220 to register (no ‘drop-ins’ permitted – numbers are limited by number of available tutors/mentors).

Financial Members can also access the Thursday ZOOM sessions (start at 10:00 am). Cost $10 – covers the whole term. 

Our bank account details are:
Computerpals with NPBS BSB 650 000 Account 962205402 
Please quote your name and what the payment is for in the details info of the deposit.

I look forward to seeing many of you at these events.

Barry Keen (President)