2024 Social Activity Stories

Morning Tea a Success

Monday 17th June 2024 our Members Morning Tea/ General Meeting was held at Club Lambton. Another very good rollup of some 65 members attended, with many no doubt coming along to hear the special guest speakers. With President Barry Keen taking a back seat due to recent health issues, Lindsay Threadgate took the helm, welcoming members and giving a brief overview of the Club’s current situation. He then introduced the guest speakers, Kathy Lewis from NovaCare and Jan Bynon from the Stroke Foundation.

A very informative and interesting presentation followed from Kathy who explained the benefits of the various Home Support Packages available today, with NovaCare being one of the main providers of these services. These packages ranged from short term restorative care through a couple of home support versions and finally, residential aged care. In all cases, Kathy stressed the need to register with My Aged Care a.s.a.p. as it quite conceivably could take up to 12-15 months to be approved. However, the wait would be well worth while, as the various levels of support available would assist greatly in enabling seniors to remain in the comfort and security of their own homes for longer.

Morning tea was next, with some willing helpers delivering a plate of goodies while members were called up, table at a time, to collect their tea or coffee. This action was put in place to minimise any accidents and spills etc. Tanks and tummies satisfied, it was time for Jan to advise about the different types of strokes, and how to recognise the signs so that early treatment can be sought, resulting in a better outcome for the patient. She also stressed the need to manage a stroke risk, by taking steps to have regular health checks, eating well, staying active, drinking alcohol in moderation and being smoke free.

With formal proceedings wrapped up along with the raffle, many members took the opportunity to have a chinwag with others, while some lined up to renew their membership, due by the end of this month.

Next Social Day Out will be on Friday 16th August next – mark this one down too.

Brenton Elsey

Rail Motor Society outing

Sunday 19th May 2024 Under mixed skies, an excellent rollup of 28 members travelled to The Rail Motor Society depot, Paterson for an opportunity to re-live rail travel of a bygone era.

On arrival, and with ‘original style’ tickets purchased, members were split into 3 groups and
taken on a tour of the depot to showcase the various activities carried out by The Society’s
volunteers. These activities included repairs and maintenance to the train fleet and
infrastructure, along with inspections of the static display carriages and the old Station
Master’s cottage, currently housing numerous items of railway memorabilia.

It was then time for the ‘main event’ – a ride to Dungog and return on a 100-year-old Rail
Motor set, lovingly restored and maintained to enable operation on main lines while slotting
in with regular passenger and freight services that take precedence over Historical Tour
trains. With a typical roar from the GM Detroit 6/71 Diesel engines, we were off on an
experience most of us would have considered somewhat ‘normal’ back in the day. While
restricted to 80kph these days (due to age and wooden construction), it still felt like a rapid
ride. Arrival at Dungog enabled passengers to stretch their legs, inspect the station precinct,
take a comfort stop and observe the passing of an interstate freight train along with the XPT
from Grafton which had a scheduled stop. All the while, members (and other TRMS
travelling public) were seen busily chatting in groups or working their phone cameras. Time
to board the train again for the return to Paterson and the depot, again passing a rather ‘green’
countryside while reflecting on the experience of riding in ‘big boy’s (and lady’s) toys’.

Our group was made feel most welcome by the friendly and well organised TRMS volunteers
assigned for the day, with many commenting that they thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
For those interested in further excursions or tours, information can be obtained via the
Society’s website – www.railmotorsociety.org.au or their Facebook page.

Brenton Elsey