Special Interest Groups
Once a month a group of members meet to learn and share ideas about areas of common interest. These special interest groups provide a forum to interact, promote discussion and learn new ideas on a particular subject.
They are free to financial Computerpals members.
We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month (during school term) from 1:00 to 2:30 pm at Club Lambton, 15 Karoola Road Lambton.
We have three Special Interest Groups which have been rolled into the one session:
This group is for those interested in preserving their memories. We all have treasured recollections, items, and photos from times past. It is important that these items be preserved and documented for future generations rather than be ‘binned’ and lost forever.
Our group is very social and these ‘things’ are discussed over a cuppa as we help each other discover ways to preserve them.
Creative Writing
Everybody has a story to tell. This group is for those with an interest in creative writing and story telling. This is a fun meeting of like minded members to share stories, learn from others and stimulate your passion for writing. Try jotting down a short story from your past.
Our Creative Writing Group has been very successful in the annual ASCCA national competition for creative writing. Here are some of the awards achieved by our group over the years:
- Many 1st places National Grand Champion.
- Top accolade for a poem.
- Best poem of the national competition.
- Overall best story.
- Champion Writer and Club champion.
Give writing a go…you don’t even have to tell anyone…just try!
I look forward to catching up with some of your ideas.
Carmel Smith (Convenor)
Digital Photography
This group is for members with an interest in digital photography and who have access to any form of camera, including phones and tablets. Discussions and demonstrations are not only about taking photos but includes photo editing (enhance & crop), transfers from one device to another, storing/accessing your photos etc.
Barry Keen (Convenor)