Fort Scratchley Social Outing Aug 2024

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Our next Social Day outing will be to Fort Scratchley (including a Tunnel Tour) on Friday 16th August next.

The headland at the entrance to Newcastle Harbour has long been associated with the history of Newcastle. Two natural features were the height of the headland which offered a prominent lookout, and the ready access of coal seams around its base. The discovery of coal in the early 1800’s led to the site becoming the first European coal mine in Australia, and later, further coal mining developments around Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.

Meanwhile, the strategic importance of a hilltop overlooking the harbour was not lost on the British Government. A defense station was set up, with heavy guns placed to ward off any possible attacks, along with the Commandant’s cottage and barracks for the troops. The guns and their enclosures were changed several times during the 20th century as military technology developed. During WW2, the guns were fired at a Japanese mini submarine that entered the harbour and began shelling the city. This was the only time a coastal fortification fired on an enemy Naval vessel.

On our visit, we will assemble at the Artillery Store (now their information/gift shop) to purchase tickets for a tour of the tunnels, after which you are free to wander around and explore other buildings and exhibits. Parking is available on site or on the street (see below). Please note that the tunnel tours are unsuitable for wheelchairs or walkers due to the narrow stairs and hallways. Sturdy/non-slip footwear is strongly recommended. Details are as follows:

Where:  Fort Scratchley, Newcastle
When:   Friday 16th August 2024
Time:    Meet 10.00/10.15am for Tour (Tour starts at 10.30am sharp)
Cost:     Entry – free, Tour – $9.50 concession (pay at the info/gift shop on the day)

Please click here to download the attendance form, complete the details and submit. It would be appreciated if you could reply by Sunday 11th August, as The Fort needs to know numbers so they can arrange for sufficient volunteer guides to run these tours. If you have notified us that you are coming, and then for some reason you are unable to attend, please advise me a.s.a.p. I would also ask that if attending, you are on time (gates open at 10.00am) as the tours need to start/finish on time to allow schedules to be kept throughout the day.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Brenton Elsey
Social Secretary
0438 997 310