2020 - 2019 Social Activity Stories

Saturday 7th November 2020 –

Car Observation Run

21 members ventured to Savannah’s Cafe and then on to the Morpeth Museum on Saturday 8/3/2020. Great company and an excellent day out. Click Here for more photos

63 members gathered on 6th December at the MEX (Mayfield Ex-Services Club Mayfield) for a fun-filled day with good food and fellowship. If you weren’t there… we’re sorry we missed you!
These a just a few of the photos of everyone having a good time.
President Sandra opened proceedings with a welcome to members present and a brief update of Club happenings, including the news that our Club had won the overall ASCCA Photographic competition for 2019 – a magnificent effort, and congratulations to all entrants with special praise for the award winners. Our Writers leader, Carmel Smith then handed out our award winners from ASCCA 2019, a competition in which our Club has had a very successful run for many years. Treasurer Grahame updated us on the Club’s current financial position, which in no small manner has been improved by some significant special grants associated with the ‘Be Connected’ scheme, the subject of much hard work and effort by the senior committee members led by President Sandra. With the Club’s 20th Anniversary due next year, much thought is required to make it the memorable occasion that it deserves. A Sub-Committee has been set up to co-ordinate ideas for this. The time for ‘official talk’ over, members then happily selected their favourite dishes from the Buffet and enjoyed each other’s company over lunch. With the Christmas/New Year break upon us, it was time for many to wish each other all the best for the forthcoming Festive Season. From the ‘Social Department’, both Beryl and I would like to especially thank those members who supported our various activities throughout the year and wish all members a Safe and Merry Christmas/New Year period and look forward to catching up in 2020. Brenton Elsey (Social Secretary)

Our final social ‘outdoors’ outing for 2019 was to Medowie Macadamias on Saturday 2nd November.
Established in 1980, Medowie Macadamias contains 5 varieties of nuts spread over some 12 acres. The current owners have been in charge for the past 13 years, and have steadily improved facilities to include a café, along with a shop
It was a great day out with 30 members and friends attending – starting with a very enjoyable breakfast then out under the shade of the Macadamia grove of trees where we given a talk on the history of the property and the process of growing macadamias.

Friday 6th September, 2019 – All of our volunteers received an invitation from Sharon Claydon MP to receive recognition in the 2019 Newcastle Volunteers Awards. Congratulations everyone – well deserved!

Saturday 24th August, 2019 – Social Day Out – to Maitland Regional Art Gallery Twelve members and partners enjoyed morning tea before viewing the excellent current exhibition in the refurbished historic building. Most stayed on for lunch at the very popular Gallery Restaurant.

Friday 16th August, 2019 – AGM & lunch Was held at Cardiff RSL Club. Monday 3rd June, 2019 – Members Morning Tea Olivia Paterson & Elizabeth Curran from Service NSW, Wallsend were our guest speakers at our Members Morning Tea. They informed us about the Service NSW website and what you can do online. How you can access NSW Government services. (e.g. Vehicle Registration, Drivers Licence, Cost of Living savings …. the list of services goes on). There were many questions from the floor and it was all very informative.
Social Day Out – Saturday 18th May – Rail Motor Society at Paterson A fine day beckoned on Saturday 18th as 16 members paid a visit to The Rail Motor Society, Paterson. After a scenic drive through the rolling countryside, members met up at the old Station Master’s Cottage which today houses some railway memorabilia and doubles as the Society’s headquarters. First up was a ride in the historic CPH Rail Motors out to Wallarobba and return. These units were built in the 1920’s for use on the NSW branch lines and provided sterling service for over 60 years before being retired from active service. Given the age of these trains, their condition and running was a tribute to the expertise and dedication of the volunteer workforce entrusted with preserving this area of railway heritage. Back on the ground, it was up to the Cottage where tea, coffee and hot dogs provided much needed sustenance before a tour of the depot. Inspection of additional Rail Motors, the workshop area and some old railway carriages being meticulously restored rounded out a very interesting and enjoyable day. Several members showed further interest in the operations of The Society, as they operate numerous shuttles, trips and tours throughout the year – well worth consideration. My sincere thanks to Lindsay Threadgate for supervising our group, as being a member of The Rail Motor Society, I was on duty there on the day. Brenton Elsey    

Morning TeaMonday 18th  March dawned grey and drizzly for our Morning Tea, held as usual in the school hall adjacent to our premises. With a pleasing roll-up of some 50 odd members, President Sandra Keen commenced proceedings with an update of Club news and information, highlighting our upcoming classes and courses especially for new members. Special mention was made of the Be-Connected online assistance available for members to participate in rather than just listen, and also the importance of signing in when commencing a ‘lesson’. Next, our special guest speaker was Wendy Birrell from Roads & Maritime Services, who gave an excellent presentation of Road Safety for Seniors and the Light Rail. The last trams in Newcastle were withdrawn from service in 1950, so only a handful of us who lived in the area then would have seen them. Wendy highlighted the need to learn and understand the rules and safety measures taken to ensure a smooth transition to the integration of the light rail with motor vehicles and pedestrians. With these shiny new red and white trams running silently, it is most important to stay alert and keep a lookout when in the area and be aware of the additional traffic signals enabling safe crossing for pedestrians, not forgetting the 40 kph speed limit throughout the length of the tramway. Judging by the numerous questions asked showed this presentation was well received and timely for those in attendance. With a ‘caffeine fix’ needed, morning tea was then called, enabling members to share a cuppa and a yarn with those present.
NSW Art Gallery in Sydney on Saturday 23rd February 2019 A small contingent of members travelled to Sydney for a visit to the NSW Art Gallery. Following the train trip to Central, we were met by Elaine Butler (ex C’Pals President and now Sydney resident) and current member Barbara Bartlett who was down there visiting her daughter and family. Following the obligatory comfort stop, we adjourned to the brand new Eternity café at Central Station where one and all marvelled at the transformation and improvements to a ‘foodie stop’ at this location. Next, we proceeded by train and a walk to the Art Gallery. This magnificent structure has stood the test of time, and the grandeur of the façade is matched by the impressive display halls, while the static and travelling exhibits offer something for all tastes in art. One of the main attractions was the travelling exhibit ‘Masters of Modern Art’ which was recommended to us by one of our members who had seen it while overseas. Organised tours were conducted for this and a few other exhibits, while some chose to wander around at their leisure to study the various art pieces on display. Culturally nourished, we then met up at the Art Gallery café for lunch, with much discussion on the merits (or otherwise?) of the various displays. At this point, some members chose to stay on a while, while the majority mustered the energy for the trip home, farewelling Elaine and Barbara at the station prior to our return train trip.        Â