

MemoryPals meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month (during school term) from 1:00 to 2:30 pm at Club Lambton.

We meet to share and support each other and to develop the ways to preserve our memories.

We all have treasured memories, items and photos from our younger days, even some from earlier generations.

If those items don’t have a story and are identified as being important there is a real risk they will be ‘binned’ and lost forever after you have gone.

Future generations will be the poorer for their loss.

Our group is very social and discusses these ‘things’ over a cuppa and we help each other in looking at ways to preserve them.

Often a formal class needs to be run – to learn how to scan documents and photos, negatives and slides; or making movies (videos); or using Publisher or Word to write a story or make a book; or making a photo book, calendar, photo canvas, just to name a few. All of which can be organised through Computerpals and you can learn how with our help. 

Memorypals dovetails nicely with Writerpals if you want to expand your writing of some of those fun memories.