May 2024 News

  • Post category:News


Welcome back for the start of Term 2, 2024.

The past month has been relatively quiet, given school holidays and public holidays and our taking a break for those periods.

We had good activity at the enrolment day on 29/4 with new members joining and people enrolling in classes.

I remind you all to please phone our club number 0478 219 220 to book in for upcoming classes.

You may see a little less of Sandra and I over the next few months as Sandra has a health issue we need to address. However, the club is strong with good numbers of enthusiastic tutors who will carry on with the education of learners whether we are there or not.

The club’s Term 2 Classes schedule is up on the club website for your information. It was also sent out to you by email on 26/27th April.

NOTE: Monday 13/5 – there will be no class in the morning as the Lady Bowlers will be holding a Bowls Gala. The Assistance class scheduled for the afternoon will go ahead but depending on whether the bowlers are still there we may have to relocate to the Lambton Library. That decision will be made on the day.

All being well I look forward to seeing you in class.

Barry Keen


Please click here for the information on our next social outing to the Rail Motor Society outing in Paterson.