Another month of 2024 behind us and now we’re into Autumn, the years keep flying by.
We welcomed two new members who have volunteered their services to be tutors – Ossie Richards and Neil McNaughton. It’s good to have you both join us and I look forward to having you helping our members learn about technology.
I also welcome Jim Bridges, Cecille Coan, Bernie Hayes, Ann Jones, John Manning, Shelley Parsons, and Mansel Williams who joined as new members during February.
Another person I welcome is Alex McOnie as a tutor (shock/horror) he’s too young to join as a member! Notwithstanding that, Alex has proven himself as a valuable volunteer tutor. A point to note – Alex has his own business – Agewise. There is no financial arrangement between Alex and Computerpals. As an independent, Alex offers his expertise for in-home assistance to those who need it at competitive commercial rates. If you need his help you should approach him on Mondays at Club Lambton to discuss.
NSW SENIOR’S FESTIVAL – 11th to 24th March – the theme is ‘Reach Beyond’
Locally, Newcastle City Council will host a Seniors Expo & Comedy Gala – Monday 11th March 2024
Computerpals will be one of the exhibitors and we will also be speaking about our club in the afternoon.
Computerpals will host our own special event on Monday 18th March at Club Lambton from 10:00 am with a guest speaker – Dr Gary Ellem speaking on ‘Real People in the Metaverse’. Gary is an enlightening speaker – you won’t want to miss this! A light lunch will follow – booking is essential as numbers are limited for catering.