CameraDigiPals - Our Photography Group

DigiPals is an active group of Computerpals members who meet on the third Monday each month at 1 pm to learn and explore digital photography.


Click HERE for a link to our DigiPals site.

Monthly "shoots" are held at different locations in conjunction with a broader social outing opportunity for all Computerpals members and friends.

Saturdays have proven popular days for taking photographs and enjoying the social interaction.

GeneaPals - Our Geneology Group

Genealogy is the study and tracing of family pedigrees. We have allocated the first Monday afternoon of each month at 1:00pm in the clubrooms at Islington Public School (ex school holidays).

Click HERE for a link to the GeneaPals site.

On Monday 3rd December 2014, 10 of our members expanded their horizons with a visit to Lake Macquarie's Speers Point library Community History section for a tour of their facility and information about the resources that could assist with research into Family History.

WriterPals - Our Creative Writing Group

We meet on the second Monday of each month at the Islington clubroom. Meetings go from 1pm until we go home.


Click HERE for a link to our WriterPals site.




If you have a portable device; iPad, Android tablet we have a special interest group called TabPals.

The 4th Friday of the month is our regular meeting day, commencing at 1pm.




For all Groups all members pay just $2.00 at each meeting (feed the Moose), Nothing else to join but you must be a financial member of ComputerPals.